As with books, 2022 was probably the first of many years for me, when I watched a lot of movies for kids. And I found out, that if you choose carefully, they are great. Not many are in my top selection for this year, but if you want to find out more, reach out to me on Trakt.
Below you can find the best movies, I have watched in 2022.
Harakiri (1962)

Masterpiece when it comes to storytelling. Amazing visuals. Great fights. Unexpected twists. 9/10
Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)

Fictional story based on real events about judging Nazis in Nuremberg. The story is about a local judge from the US doing a job nobody wants to do and struggling to find justice and the meaning of it. One of the best movies from courtroom I’ve seen. 9/10
Dead Poets Society (1989)

Amazing Robin Williams as literature teacher at conservative school for boys, trying to bring joy of poetry, life and education into repressed lives of teenage boys. 9/10
Ikiru (1952)

Another one on the list from Japan (I’ve seen more great ones in 2022, but not all made the cut to the top list). Story about typical bureaucrat finding out about his stomach cancer and realizing, his time on this planet was wasted. Amazing performance from the main protagonist. 9/10
Tenet (2020)

Christopher Nolan is my favorite contemporary director, and he proved it again with Tenet. It does not stop from the first to the last shot, keeps you on your toes and is so well shot, that I was more than willing to forgive minor inconsistencies. 9/10
The Adventures of Milo and Otis (1986)

Live action story about friendship between cat and dog. Nowadays, they would probably not be able to shoot this movie (I hope no animal has died during the shooting). But it is heartwarming and really well shot. 9/10
The Wages of Fear (1953)

Story about men stuck in some godforsaken place and trying to make enough money, so they can get out. So they take the most dangerous job possible. I was sweating with the protagonists during some scenes. 8/10
Tell Me Who I Am (2019)

Documentary about twins with difficult childhood. One of the brothers lost his memories due to an incident and only grown up he found out that the story of his life before the accident was different from what he was told. 8/10
Pride & Prejudice (2005)

When it comes to amazing movie shots, Joe Wright is the best director I know. Visually stunning. 8/10
Sanju (2018)

Thanks to Netflix, I have started to watch Indian movies and, surprisingly to me, a lot of them are great. Some of them are rip-offs of US or European movies (but Hollywood does the same, so who cares) some of them are original as this one. One of the best comedies I have watched in a while. 8/10
Bonus: Dave Chappelle: What’s in a Name? (2022)

This one did not make my Top 10, but I wanted to mention it. It is a speech from Dave Chappelle where they announced that they are naming a Theater after him. And it is a very strong speech. 8/10
Bonus: One Minute Time Machine (2014)

I love short movies. This one is 6 minutes long, but it is better sci-fi/romance than most cinema movies. You can watch it below. 8/10