Recommended Watch: Submarine Cables and the Rise of Mass Surveillance
Johnny Harris on mass surveillance
Johnny Harris on mass surveillance
Príbeh Roberta Blair “Paddy” Mayna sa začal tak, ako úvodná scéna v prvom Gears of War – prešedivený, unavený, až smiešne svalnatý hrdina sedel sám, v cele premorenej potkanmi, bez nádeje na únik, a jeho jedinou spoločníčkou bola až násilná… Read More »Paddy Mayne – Zakladateľ SAS
Great long-form about one of the best sci-fi series ever with great insights like: “It might be asking a lot for a major network show from the Clinton-era to offer a more cogent critique of the system everyone was happily… Read More »Recommend Read: Babylon 5 Is a Perfect, Terrible Series
If Russian invasion of Ukraine got you scared, do not watch this. E.g. China has built a Taiwan government building in the middle of the desert to train invasion.
Amazing look into “the most artificial civilization that ever existed”
Beecarbonize is a free single-player game for Android, trying to explain to the players nuances of climate change mitigation. You can play four types of cards – industry, environment, people, and science. The cards usually increase the production of coins… Read More »Recommended Play: Beecarbonize (Android) (9/10)
Check out new issue of #TrustReport focusing on #criminalinvestigation Topics covered:
Why did artists start to paint ordinary people?
A must-read for all web developers. Most stuff mentioned there makes me really angry. Especially inability to copy text.
Hneď, ako môj článok o Michaelovi Wittmanovi otvoril brány možnosti nacistických tvrďasov, prišlo mi asi tak kvintilión emailov žiadajúcich post o jednom z najimpozantnejších a najbrilantnejších veliteľov v Hitlerovom Wehrmachte – Poľnom maršalovi Erwinovi Rommelovi. V jeho krátkej kariére generála… Read More »Erwin Rommel – Púštna líška