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Recommended Read: On Being A Senior Engineer

“Generation X (and even more so generation Y) are cultures of immediate gratification. I’ve worked with a staggering number of engineers that expect the “career path” to take them to the highest ranks of the engineering group inside 5 years just because they are smart. This is simply impossible in the staggering numbers I’ve witnessed. Not everyone can be senior. If, after five years, you are senior, are you at the peak of your game? After five more years will you not have accrued more invaluable experience? What then? “Super engineer”? Five more years? “Super-duper engineer.” I blame the youth of our discipline for this affliction. The truth is that there are very few engineers that have been in the field of web operations for fifteen years. Given the dynamics of our industry many elected to move on to managerial positions or risk an entrepreneurial run at things.”

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