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Daily and Weekly Reviews

For some time now I am doing short daily and weekly reviews. Here are the questions, for my daily review

  • What beautiful I saw yesterday?:
  • Yesterday I socialized by:
  • Yesterday I accomplished:
  • Things I can improve on from yesterday:
  • Conclusion (Win or Loss and Why):
  • Today I am thankful for:
  • Today my body feel like:
  • Today, I emotionally feel like:
  • What will you do today? What are you working on? And why?

And here is the list for my weekly review

  • What went well?
  • What didn’t go so well? What went wrong? How was I involved (extreme ownership)? How to mitigate it in the future?
  • Is someone lagging at home/work with tasks/responsibilities? Do I need to give feedback to someone? Collect information about an issue. Plan a meeting and ask the about it, if they understand what and why is needed or do it if needed
  • What can I do better next week?
  • What still puzzles me? What am I struggling with right now?
  • What have I learned?
  • What do I want to learn by the end of next week?
  • What is one thing I will try that will get me out of my comfort zone?
  • Who can I reach out to for help next week?

What are yours review questions?

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