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Caring about money vs caring about growth

I am noticing that many people focus on money first. How much am I going to get, what will be the raise, what will be my salary band, am I underpaid, why is XYZ making more than me.

Nothing wrong with that, but if you focus on this, your optimization will not be good and in the end you will make less. Goals drive our action and if you focus on money solely, you will optimize for short term returns and end up job hopping and in the end overpaid without any forward or lateral move available to you.

If you focus on your growth, increasing your skill set, knowledge, impact you do, money will follow. People will offer you more, and you can ask for more, because you will not be afraid with lack of alternatives in terms of growth and career.

It is a simple long term investment strategy into yourself. Focusing on compound interest instead of short term gains.

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