Say what you mean
If you have an issue, just talk about it. It is better than the alternative – being bitter, not knowing if you are wrong or letting things as they are if you are right. Talking is part of thinking. If… Read More »Say what you mean
If you have an issue, just talk about it. It is better than the alternative – being bitter, not knowing if you are wrong or letting things as they are if you are right. Talking is part of thinking. If… Read More »Say what you mean
[The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast] 403. Attraction, Beauty, Growth, and Sex | Dr. Sarah Hill #theJordanBPetersonPodcast via @PodcastAddict
UNICEF released amazing app for parents to guid them through milestones of their childs. It also provides tips for games and plays to improve. You can find it on Play Store or App Store.
[The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins] Christmas Lectures: Waking Up in the Universe Part 01 #thePoetryOfRealityWithRichardDawkins via @PodcastAddict
“Ani genetika so svojimi úžasnými metódami nedá odpoveď na všetko – nedokáže odhaliť, aké pohnútky mali ľudia pre svoje konanie, nedokáže vysvetliť politické či náboženské koncepty”
I have heard this from people working at companies where managers spend hours a week trying to help individual people prosper, even outside of work. People saying this usually cared more about their salary and benefits than the company success… Read More »“My company cares more about numbers than people”
“Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and so on — could reduce the incentive to work. If the way I have fun is by buying a boat and sailing it up and down the coast while drinking Clase Azul and watching TV on… Read More »Recommended Read: Yes, we still have to work