Odporúčané počúvanie: Európa, tras sa!
[Piatoček] Európa, tras sa! (predvolebný špeciál) #piatocek https://podcastaddict.com/piatocek/episode/176967078 via @PodcastAddict
Recommended Read: Aj ja som zažil divoké časy. Ale na našich mítingoch sme nekričali Mečiar do basy!
"Boli tu mafiáni, za Mečiara čelili novinári fyzickým útokom, a ako som už povedal, aj politické mítingy boli nebezpečným miestom. Napríklad mám pred očami, ako sa na mňa v Tvrdošíne tlačil dav na preplnenom námestí, predo mnou stáli Vladimír Palko,… Read More »Recommended Read: Aj ja som zažil divoké časy. Ale na našich mítingoch sme nekričali Mečiar do basy!
Recommended Read: The decline of the user interface
"But what if you make changes and then decide you don’t like what you’ve done? How are you supposed to reset and ignore what you’ve changed? You can’t. The burden is then on you, the poor user, to remember what… Read More »Recommended Read: The decline of the user interface
Recommended Read: The woman who sold time – and the man who tried to stop her
"Businesses in the early 19th Century that wanted an accurate time – such as clockmakers and horologists, banks and City firms – usually sent an employee to the Royal Observatory to bang on the door and ask to see the… Read More »Recommended Read: The woman who sold time – and the man who tried to stop her
Freedom to move
When I was younger, more naïve, and less experienced, I thought that we could solve a lot of problems in politics by letting countries have different, even drastic, political systems, such as fascism and communism, and just allowing people to… Read More »Freedom to move