Recommended Read: The Real Problem with Plagiarism
"Harvard College, for example, has an Office of Academic Integrity with a staff of eight, and an honour council of student volunteers dedicated to reviewing student plagiarism charges. (Most other divisions of the university, and most other universities, have no… Read More »Recommended Read: The Real Problem with Plagiarism
Doing it as an (IT) engineer
There is a strange thing in IT that most engineers do not really like to do stuff that are normal for most engineers in other industries. Mainly it is following standard processes and documenting work comprehensively. I will focus mostly… Read More »Doing it as an (IT) engineer
Recommended Read: Interviewing has become a mess
“Mediocre candidates now frequently do well, courtesy of solid preparation They might for instance spend lots of time on LeetCode or read books like Alex Yu’s excellent System Design Interviews. The overall quality of interviewers was never that great, but… Read More »Recommended Read: Interviewing has become a mess
Odporúčané čítanie: Ako vyhrať informačnú vojnu
“Šéf popri vychvaľovaní Hitlera a hanení Churchilla zároveň pobúrene hovoril o korupcii v Hitlerovej strane, keď manželky potentátov kupujú vily v Taliansku a topia sa v luxuse, kým nemeckí vojaci v Rusku zomierajú od zimy a hladu.” https://dennikn.sk/3980912/ako-vyhrat-informacnu-vojnu
Knowing when to break rules
Some people follow rules, guidelines, laws and instructions without questioning. It is great if the rules are good and efficient, but that is often not the case. Other people ignore most of the rules by default. If someone tells them,… Read More »Knowing when to break rules
Odporúčané počúvanie: Degenerované umenie
[Večera s Havranom] Degenerované umenie (14.5.2024 22:05) #veceraSHavranom https://podcastaddict.com/vecera-s-havranom/episode/176114696 via @PodcastAddict
Recommended Listen: Outsmarting Yourself
[Hidden Brain] Outsmarting Yourself #hiddenBrain https://podcastaddict.com/hidden-brain/episode/163895041 via @PodcastAddict