Recommended Read: Why I Am Now Relaxed About Releasing Buggy Software
"it is not up to me in the role of an engineer of an organization that finds itself in a rapid business climate to worry about the risks associated with releasing software in a certain state. My job is simply… Read More »Recommended Read: Why I Am Now Relaxed About Releasing Buggy Software
Recommended Read: China’s Alternative Order
Foreign Affairs Wed, May 1, 2024 China’s Alternative Order https://pressreader.com/article/281500756273086
Recommended Watch: Overtime: Scott Galloway, Don Lemon | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Don’t follow your passion
Bit by bit, then all of a sudden
I do not like cleaning. But I do not like a big mess either. Over the time, I have developed a bit by bit cleaning approach. It looks something like this. I need a tissue because of a runny nose.… Read More »Bit by bit, then all of a sudden
Recommended Listen: Unlocking the Science of Happiness
[The Jordan Harbinger Show] 895: Robert Waldinger | Unlocking the Science of Happiness #theJordanHarbingerShow https://podcastaddict.com/the-jordan-harbinger-show/episode/163557134 via @PodcastAddict
Odporúčané čítanie: Jan Kavalír vie, že musí zomrieť, dohodol si aj termín vo Švajčiarsku. Tesne pre d odchodom s manželkou pochopili, že to nedokážu
"Vytriezvela som po dvoch rokoch, keď Honzík začal padať na ulici. Bolo to strašné. Zrazu sa 90-kilogramový chlap, športovec, tréner, nekontrolovane zosunie na betón, rozbije si hlavu… Potom začal padať na schodoch. Stála som zoči-voči realite a musela akceptovať, že… Read More »Odporúčané čítanie: Jan Kavalír vie, že musí zomrieť, dohodol si aj termín vo Švajčiarsku. Tesne pre d odchodom s manželkou pochopili, že to nedokážu
“Mine song is not complicated, you are just low IQ”
I have listened to a rap battle style song yesterday (linked below) about all the low quality stuff you can find on the internet and how people have bad taste and low requirements on celebrities and art. One bar stands… Read More »“Mine song is not complicated, you are just low IQ”