Recommended Listen: Cuts Both Ways
[TED Radio Hour] Cuts Both Ways #tedRadioHour https://podcastaddict.com/ted-radio-hour/episode/161984660 via @PodcastAddict
Recommended Read: The Real Reason to End the Death Penalty
"in practice the debate about the death penalty is not about whether it’s ok to kill murderers. It’s about whether it’s ok to kill innocent people, because at least 4% of people on death row are innocent." https://www.paulgraham.com/real.html
Odporúčané čítanie: Ukrajina a húsíovci prinášajú revolúciu v námornej vojne
"Ukrajinci použili kombináciu riadených striel, leteckých dronov a malých hladinových plavidiel bez posádky na potopenie alebo vážne poškodenie približne 20 veľkých vojnových lodí, čo je tretina predvojnového stavu ruskej flotily." https://dennikn.sk/3893749/ukrajina-a-husiovci-prinasaju-revoluciu-v-namornej-vojne/
Recommended Read: How People Get Rich Now
"People who don’t look any deeper than the Gini coefficient look back on the world of 1982 as the good old days, because those who got rich then didn’t get as rich. But if you dig into how they got… Read More »Recommended Read: How People Get Rich Now
Odporúčané čítanie: Šéf ČSOB: Na Slovensku môžeme mať za tejto vlády jedny z najdrahších hypoték v eurozóne
"To znamená, že o päť rokov zaplatíme možno o jednu dve miliardy ročne viac ako predtým. To je taká suma, za akú by sme mohli každý rok postaviť štyri až šesť nemocníc, ako má byť tá v Martine. To je… Read More »Odporúčané čítanie: Šéf ČSOB: Na Slovensku môžeme mať za tejto vlády jedny z najdrahších hypoték v eurozóne
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Recommended Read: Vitamin D, part 3 – The Evidence
"Vitamin D deficiency is linked to cancer, heart disease, respiratory infection, stroke, diabetes, and death. It might seem reasonable that we should all be taking this supplement. But hold on. The argument for taking Vitamin D assumes a few things.… Read More »Recommended Read: Vitamin D, part 3 – The Evidence
Recommended Read: How Russia is putting the ancient Scythians to war in Ukraine
"One such legend made it significantly further than that. Mixoparthenos, a part-woman, part-snake goddess who was worshipped by Scythians on the Crimean peninsula and allegedly considered to be the mythological ancestor of the Scythian race, is the figure that appears… Read More »Recommended Read: How Russia is putting the ancient Scythians to war in Ukraine