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My 2023 in Movies

I have not seen that many movies last year, but I saw a couple of great ones. Here is the top 10. Life Is Beautiful (1997) The only thing I regret about this movie is, that I have not seen… Read More »My 2023 in Movies

My 2023 in Books

In 2023, I have managed to read 101 books, although I have to admit there were a lot of short children ones. Average book length was 114 pages, so it is still about 52 average books a year, which is… Read More »My 2023 in Books

My 2023 in Music

This was an interesting year for me. I have listened to a lot of classical music thanks to Pulitzer prize winners list and found some masterpieces, I have discovered the charm of Eurovision and listened to 2948 artists, 4487 albums… Read More »My 2023 in Music