Recommended Read: What It’s Like to Staff the Home of a Billionaire
"The sort of people employing private household staff are in the .001 percent, so it’s a very small group — we’ve probably worked with somewhere between 100 and 120 families. It’s not too difficult to get an idea of which… Read More »Recommended Read: What It’s Like to Staff the Home of a Billionaire
Recommended Listen: Sacrificing the Poor to NOT Save the Planet
[The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast] 375. Sacrificing the Poor to NOT Save the Planet | Robert Bryce #theJordanBPetersonPodcast https://podcastaddict.com/the-jordan-b-peterson-podcast/episode/160623938 via @PodcastAddict
Recommended Listen: Cocaine, Murder, and Dirty Money in Europe
[The Jordan Harbinger Show] 860: Mitchell Prothero | Cocaine, Murder, and Dirty Money in Europe #theJordanHarbingerShow https://podcastaddict.com/the-jordan-harbinger-show/episode/160603616 via @PodcastAddict
Recommended Read: Why Julius Caesar’s Year of Confusion was the longest year in history
"For the two months of the year when there’s no work being done in the field, they’re just not counted," says Parish. The Sun rises and falls but, according to the early Roman calendar, no day has officially passed. "Which… Read More »Recommended Read: Why Julius Caesar’s Year of Confusion was the longest year in history
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20 ways I can help fulfill our sales target even if I am not a sales guy
I had a part of my salary based on meeting the sales target for years, even tough I am not a sales guy. At first, I was not that happy with these arrangements. My point was, that I cannot directly… Read More »20 ways I can help fulfill our sales target even if I am not a sales guy