The Issue with the Bible
The issue with the Bible (and other sacred books) is, that it was written down. Religions tend to evolve with the times, the stories adjusted to the environment and shifts. Once it was written down (and proclaimed as final truth)… Read More »The Issue with the Bible
Pes na ceste (SND) (9/10)
Vilikovský patrí k mojim obľúbeným autorom, odkedy som naňho narazil (pozri napr. moje top knihy za 2022 a 2023). Pes na ceste som ešte nečítal, pretože až donedávna nebol v predaji (medzičasom vyšla dotlač, takže čoskoro) ale tešil som sa… Read More »Pes na ceste (SND) (9/10)
Odporúčané čítanie: Bráni Moldavsko pred ruskými diverziami: Sme pre nich ako cvičisko. Čo im vyjde tu, skúsia aj na vás
“Modus operandi tej akcie spočíval vo výbere ľudí. Zvolili si osoby, ktoré nikdy nikam necestovali. Nikdy neopustili Moldavsko. Nemali ani cestovné pasy. Tí ľudia boli poddajní, tvarovateľní, neskúsení… vďační za možnosť letieť na výlet. Zaplatili im vystavenie dokladov a všetko… Read More »Odporúčané čítanie: Bráni Moldavsko pred ruskými diverziami: Sme pre nich ako cvičisko. Čo im vyjde tu, skúsia aj na vás
Recommended Read:
“As an organization, you have two levers to improve: increase meaningful output while using the same amount of resources, or maintain the same meaningful output while decreasing the amount of resources spent. When companies hire people, they’re hoping that their… Read More »Recommended Read:
Changing Stuff
Sometimes it is good to change something to figure out what is really important. Move stuff and see if someone is missing them. Change tool you use to see if some feature is missing. In that way, you will identify… Read More »Changing Stuff
Being Tired
Often, when you finally start sleeping well, you feel more tired than when you were not sleeping well. And a lot of people go back to the old, bad habits. It does not mean they are less tired, they just… Read More »Being Tired