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Keeping focus

I tend to listen to a lot of podcasts and videos while working. Usually it serves as a radio but with more interesting and curated content.

It has many upsides. If I do a boring task, it is not as boring. I tend to learn a lot as I overhear some topic. It is less distracting than random noises at office.

It has some downsides, tough. I sometimes miss important stuff from what I am listening as it is only in the background. Sometimes it distracts me from what I am doing if what I listen to is more interesting.

A lot of life and work is like this. There are a lot of background tasks all the time, but sometimes important stuff pops up.

The hard part is differentiating interesting and important stuff. Often they overlap, but there are many cases where they do not. In that case, it is a distraction.

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