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Division of Labor and Delegation

This is the best explanation of why you need to delegate work I have read so far

“Imagine Pat and Mat and Superman meeting on a deserted island. They catch fish so they don’t die from starving, while building a small rescue boat (assuming Superman doesn’t fly away).

Superman can catch four fat fish in a day, while Pat and Mat manage to catch three together.

A comic book hero builds a ship in twelve days, it takes almost a month for Pat and Mat.

If Superman can do everything better, does it even matter to him to cooperate with his friends? It does. That’s exactly how value for “money” and division of labor works.

First, let’s imagine that Superman works on his own. He divides his eight hours of work so that he catches fish for two hours (he has to eat at least one in order to work) and builds the boat for six hours. After sixteen days, the vessel is finished and Superman is saved.

In contrast, Pat and Mat hunt for more than half a day, to have at least two fish, and only then can they work on building a ship. It takes them up to 72 days to leave the island.

If Superman isn’t a total narcissist, he’ll offer them a deal: He’ll make them a quarter of a ship, if they give him one fish every day.


Superman leaves the island after only fifteen days, and Pat and Mat three days earlier than in the first case (after 15 days they still had to work 54 days themselves to complete the three quarters of the ship).

At the same time, everyone had one fish to eat every day.

We can see that everyone gained from the trade. Even Superman, who was better at every single activity.

Why is that so? Since the time of the famous economist David Ricardo, we know that even the least clever and efficient people have a comparative advantage in something. It consists in the fact that they can relieve the burden of others so that they can focus themselves fully on what they are really best at.”


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