Recommended Listen: Who’s the daddy? There isn’t one.
[Unexplainable] Who’s the daddy? There isn’t one. #unexplainable via @PodcastAddict
[Unexplainable] Who’s the daddy? There isn’t one. #unexplainable via @PodcastAddict
Someone told me recently that I have a character. I do not play politics at work and say the same thing to everyone, and do not conceal what I think. It flattered me, but I am not sure if it… Read More »Having a Character or Being Lazy?
It is funny how my engagement and business contributes to my ideas. The more I am excited about a day and what is going on, the easier it is to think about something to write about. When I am disengaged,… Read More »Nothing on my mind
[Hidden Brain] Parents: Keep Out! #hiddenBrain via @PodcastAddict
Kolega nemohol a dal do obehu lístky na Bláznov z Valencie v Slovenskom národnom divadle, a tak sme sa nečakane ocitli na predstavení, o ktorom sme nič nevedeli. Vo výsledku kolega mohol ľutovať, pretože sme sa výborne zabavili. Za mňa… Read More »Blázni z Valencie – SND (8/10)
[Zvony nad krajinou] (8.12.2024 11:00) #zvonyNadKrajinou via @PodcastAddict
“The other assumption — those so-called scaling laws — has been that by simply building bigger data centers with more GPUs (the expensive, power-hungry graphics processing units used to both run and train these models) and throwing as much training… Read More »Recommended Read: Godot Isn’t Making it
“The most important story about why Americans have become sad and alienated and rude, I believe, is also the simplest: We inhabit a society in which people are no longer trained in how to treat others with kindness and consideration.… Read More »Recommended Read: How America Got Mean