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Odporúčané čítanie: Videl som zblízka, kam nás vedú dezinformácie. Je to hrozná budúcnosť, vraví psychológ Ariely

“Viete, všetci sme sa niekedy stretli s ľuďmi vyznávajúcimi nejakú odlišnú vieru. Vieme, že existujú ľudia, ktorí veria, že svet je plochý, nie guľatý. Ľudia veria kadečomu. Ale keď vám niekto veľmi presvedčivo hovorí o vás samotných veci, o ktorých… Read More »Odporúčané čítanie: Videl som zblízka, kam nás vedú dezinformácie. Je to hrozná budúcnosť, vraví psychológ Ariely

Recommended Read: Jeff Bezos’ famed management rules are slowly unraveling inside Amazon. Can they survive the Andy Jassy era?

“The problem, explained a former Amazon vice president, is that the pair of new leadership principles are so radically different from the other 14 that it makes it tougher for employees to grasp the essence of the overall principles and… Read More »Recommended Read: Jeff Bezos’ famed management rules are slowly unraveling inside Amazon. Can they survive the Andy Jassy era?

Say what you mean

If you have an issue, just talk about it. It is better than the alternative – being bitter, not knowing if you are wrong or letting things as they are if you are right. Talking is part of thinking. If… Read More »Say what you mean

Great app for parents – Bebbo

UNICEF released amazing app for parents to guid them through milestones of their childs. It also provides tips for games and plays to improve. You can find it on Play Store or App Store.