Metod Rybar
Recommended Read: The Cult of Microsoft
“The problem, however, is that things like “mindset theory” are often peddled with little regard for whether they’re true or not, peddling concepts that make the reader feel smart because they sort of make sense. After all, being open to… Read More »Recommended Read: The Cult of Microsoft
Recommended Read: On Good Software Engineers
“A good engineer is one whom I, as a manager or peer, can trust to progress a project, knowing that they will deliver a solution by working with the team and producing good quality, again and again.”
Odporúčané čítanie: Psy a mačky dusíme láskou a prehnanou starostlivosťou, hovorí veterinárka. Páchame zlo v dobrej viere
“Napísala som o tom do televízie dlhý elaborát, kde argumentujem proti tomu, čo v programe Mačka nie je pes hlásajú. Ale dozvedela som sa od nich, že je to predsa „zábavný program“, takže by ľudia nemali brať vážne, čo sa tam hovorí.”
Odporúčané čítanie: Alkoholizmus je v našom národe zakorenený, ale ja za to nemôžem
“Slováci minulý rok prehrali na stávkovaní 1,3 miliardy eur. A to neprestávkovali ľudia, ktorí zarábajú veľa. A sú to často tí istí, čo aj pijú. Aj keby nejedli, ale na Poprad – Slovan 2:1 a borovičku k tomu mať budú”
Being Afraid
My son was afraid of vaccination, despite having several behind him. I am 32 years old and still do not like needles. But he and I forget about the unpleasent event in few minutes. Why are we afraid of stuff… Read More »Being Afraid
No Idea
Sometimes I have no idea why am I sad or pissed. And it is fine. Not everything needs to have an explanation.