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Metod Rybar

Write it down

People do not like to write. They like to act. Do stuff. Fix things. Especially engineers. Is there an issue? Start working on solution. Is it fixed? Start working on the next issue. This is good and well in an… Read More »Write it down

Recommended Read: The Hidden-Pregnancy Experiment

"identifying a single pregnant woman is as valuable to data brokers as knowing the age, gender, and location of more than two hundred nonpregnant people, because of how much stuff new parents tend to buy."

Odporúčané čítanie: Primátor Tirany: Rodičov naše nápady neoslovili, tak sme sa zamerali na mestské pl ánovanie pre deti

"Za starých čias sa ľudia rozhodli a až potom sa dozvedeli výsledky. Teraz sa ľudia snažia predpovedať výsledky skôr, ako sa rozhodnú. To nie je vodcovstvo, len slepé nasledovanie prieskumov a odborníkov."