Recommended Read: 🇪🇺 Dear Europe, please wake up
"Mentality is an outcome of a system. Let’s change the system. Make success more likely and people will believe that they can be successful."
"Mentality is an outcome of a system. Let’s change the system. Make success more likely and people will believe that they can be successful."
I ended up in an emergency room twice with my lower back. After the first time, I went to a neurologist and she diagnosed me with a bulged disk and ordered a physiotherapy. It helped somewhat, but did not really… Read More »Getting to the root cause
[The Jordan Harbinger Show] 896: Captain Max Hardberger | The Man Who Steals Ships from Pirates #theJordanHarbingerShow via @PodcastAddict
"Dlhodobo tu totiž pracujeme s karikatúrami tej druhej strany, či už v rámci liberálno/konzervatívneho alebo národno/európskeho delenia. Bojujeme proti predstavám o druhej strane. Výborne to funguje, akurát to ničomu neprospieva."
When you are tired, you are not efficient. You are also probably grumpy and not the best version of yourself. You also do not make the best decisions. The problem is, that, nowadays, most people lost the awareness of their… Read More »Knowing, when you are tired
Ľahostajnosť je morálna rakovina
People who like to get things done do not like if they cannot make decisions. You are with a client and he wants something. You know it is doable, and you want to say yes. So you do. Later on,… Read More »“This is above my pay grade”