Metod Rybar
Odporúčané čítanie: Načo je nám prezident
"Ak nemá štát v časoch vnútropolitických kríz pôsobiť zraniteľným dojmom, je veľmi užitočné, ak je navonok reprezentovaný niekým, koho sa tie krízy prinajmenšom formálne netýkajú. Vo vnútri môžu prebiehať búrky a zemetrasenia, pred zahraničím ale práve funkcia prezidenta umožňuje tváriť… Read More »Odporúčané čítanie: Načo je nám prezident
Recommended Listen: Should we prepare for an AI revolution?
Lot of questions to think about [Philosophize This!] Episode #185 … Should we prepare for an AI revolution? #philosophizeThis via @PodcastAddict
Recommended Listen: The Life We’re Looking For
[The Art of Manliness] The Life We’re Looking For #theArtOfManliness via @PodcastAddict
Recommended Watch: Waffle House Training – Pull Drop Mark Order Calling Method
Amazing details and procedures. Not for people not able to follow instructions
Recommended Read: Of Course America Fell for Liquid Death
"Liquid Death, Cessario likes to say, is by no means unique in its focus on marketing. “Like every truly large valuable brand,” he told The Washington Post last year, “it is all marketing and brand because the reason people choose… Read More »Recommended Read: Of Course America Fell for Liquid Death
Recommended Read: Story of Vitamin D Toxicity
"Like the other steroid hormones, Vitamin D acts on multiple organs and only tiny amounts of the molecule are required to have substantial effects. Anyone who has gone through puberty understands the impressive physiologic changes brought about by relatively small… Read More »Recommended Read: Story of Vitamin D Toxicity
Recommended Read: I figured out how DMARC works, and it almost broke me
“Emails are complicated. If you haven’t come to that conclusion by this point, I’d like to talk to you. It’s an old system that’s held together by a bazillion standards that have been written over decades. People do unexpected things… Read More »Recommended Read: I figured out how DMARC works, and it almost broke me