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Odporúčané čítanie: Psychológ Ján Hrustič: V láske by sme nemali strácať samých seba. Na prvom mieste je tolerancia k slobode druhého človeka

“správanie ľudí počas zaľúbenosti, veľmi milé a krásne vzájomné splývanie, obsahuje na hlbšej úrovni isté egocentrické a biologicky podmienené prvky. Dvaja ľudia vtedy patria len jeden druhému, sú zameraní len na seba a celý svet sa im zdá krásne farebný – ale to… Read More »Odporúčané čítanie: Psychológ Ján Hrustič: V láske by sme nemali strácať samých seba. Na prvom mieste je tolerancia k slobode druhého človeka

Recommended Listen: The meaning of “life”

Are viruses alive? Or fish? Listen to know more [Unexplainable] Origins: The meaning of “life” #unexplainable via @PodcastAddict

Recommended Listen: Thinking Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology

I was really surprised how far has a brain scanning technology moved and how widely it is already used today. [The Jordan Harbinger Show] 810: Nita Farahany | Thinking Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology #theJordanHarbingerShow via @PodcastAddict 

Recommended Listen: Unmitigated Disaster

Analyzing disastrous Afghanistan end of US deployment  [Jocko Unraveling] Unraveling 23: Unmitigated Disaster #jockoUnraveling via @PodcastAddict 

Recommended Read: Bar Martha, Tokyo, where the customer isn’t always right | Japan holidays | The Guardian

“I have never run a bar that has considered what the customer wants,” says Fukuyama tells us one evening at his bar. “People often say that the customer is always right, but I’m not confident that’s true. I don’t do… Read More »Recommended Read: Bar Martha, Tokyo, where the customer isn’t always right | Japan holidays | The Guardian