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Metod Rybar

Wrong Expectations

A lot of people are unable to agree with their colleagues, provide honest feedback to their spouse or to solve even trivial issues by consensus. Why do we then expect that politics will be different? Or our managers will be… Read More »Wrong Expectations

Recommended Read: Alexei Navalny’s Prison Diaries

“In every period, the essence of politics has been that a tin-pot tsar who wants to arrogate to himself the right to personal, unaccountable power needs to intimidate the honest people who are not afraid of him.”

Recommended Listen:

[The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast] 423. Greatness, Marriage, Parenthood, & Climbing New Mountains | Chris Bumstead #theJordanBPetersonPodcast via @PodcastAddict

Recommended Read: Warm Handoffs

“If someone asks you a question you can’t answer, take them to someone who can answer it. If you don’t know who that is, help find someone who can.”

Fighting Entropy

Stuff changes. Unless you have someone (ideally everyone) taking care of your internal documentation, knowledge base and processes, you will fall behind. Everyone is now hyped by LLMs. But if your company internal knowledge base is outdated, no LLM will… Read More »Fighting Entropy