Recommended Watch: How Engineers Straightened the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Did you know that the Tower of Pisa is not only tiled but also curved?
Did you know that the Tower of Pisa is not only tiled but also curved?
“When I attempted to find a simple formula for the period in which I grew up, prior to the First World War, I hope that I convey its fullness by calling it the Golden Age of Security. Everything in our… Read More »Recommended Read: There Once Was an Empire
“The fundamental question here is about training data: what are OpenAI using to train their models? And the answer is: we have no idea! The entire process could not be more opaque.”
[Coaching for Leaders] 649: How to Begin Leading Through Continuous Change, with David Rogers #coachingForLeaders via @PodcastAddict
John Paul Jones sa narodil v Škótsku v roku 1747, získal prácu ako námorník keď mal 12 a stal sa jedným z najväčších námorných vojnových hrdinov v histórii Spojených štátov. Dnes je známy ako “Otec amerického námorníctva”. Od ranného veku… Read More »John Paul Jones – Otec amerického námorníctva