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Recommended Read: Teaching McLuhan: Understanding Understanding Media | enculturation

Nice article trying to summarize the book Understanding Media from Marshall McLuhan Snippets “wheel extends our feet, the phone extends our voice, television extends our eyes and ears, the computer extends our brain, and electronic media, in general, extend… Read More »Recommended Read: Teaching McLuhan: Understanding Understanding Media | enculturation

Must Read: ChatGPT is just a compression algorithm

This is an interesting dive into comparing compressing images in a lossy way with what ChatGPT does to the text. Basically, ChatGPT is like internet compressed into one program. And it explains its strengths and weaknesses.

Must Read: “In roughly two hours, 1647 devices are about to be locked out of access to organisation resources, wiped, and removed from Intune permanently”

This is a great insight story on Mastodon about a huge screwup everybody was aware will happen, but nobody did anything to prevent it. Read the whole thread. Reading it, a lot of situations came in mind I have experienced,… Read More »Must Read: “In roughly two hours, 1647 devices are about to be locked out of access to organisation resources, wiped, and removed from Intune permanently”