Recommended Listen: Attraction, Beauty, Growth, and Sex
[The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast] 403. Attraction, Beauty, Growth, and Sex | Dr. Sarah Hill #theJordanBPetersonPodcast via @PodcastAddict
Recommended Listen: Christmas Lectures: Waking Up in the Universe Part 01
[The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins] Christmas Lectures: Waking Up in the Universe Part 01 #thePoetryOfRealityWithRichardDawkins via @PodcastAddict
Odporúčané čítanie: Skúma DNA starých Keltov: Našli sme kostry dvojmetrových princov, všetkých prevyšovali, museli ich mať za bohov
“Ani genetika so svojimi úžasnými metódami nedá odpoveď na všetko – nedokáže odhaliť, aké pohnútky mali ľudia pre svoje konanie, nedokáže vysvetliť politické či náboženské koncepty”
Recommended Read: Yes, we still have to work
“Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and so on — could reduce the incentive to work. If the way I have fun is by buying a boat and sailing it up and down the coast while drinking Clase Azul and watching TV on… Read More »Recommended Read: Yes, we still have to work
Recommended Listen: The modern day concentration camp and the failure of human rights
[Philosophize This!] Episode #191 … The modern day concentration camp and the failure of human rights. (Giorgio Agamben) #philosophizeThis via @PodcastAddict
Recommended Read: Is Steve Ballmer the Most Underrated CEO
“Though Ballmer was a terrible product mind, his business choices set Microsoft up for success. You could even argue that Microsoft still stands on Ballmer’s shoulders.”