Odporúčané čítanie: Bývalý prezident Andrej Kiska: Aj ja som ochranke spôsoboval ťažké chvíle
"Keď vidím situáciu v Poľsku alebo v iných krajinách, nemám pocit, že by u nás boli emócie vybičované viac. Toto je šialený čin jednotlivca a takíto jednotlivci môžu zlyhať v každej krajine."
Recommended Read: The Hidden-Pregnancy Experiment
"identifying a single pregnant woman is as valuable to data brokers as knowing the age, gender, and location of more than two hundred nonpregnant people, because of how much stuff new parents tend to buy."
Odporúčané čítanie: Primátor Tirany: Rodičov naše nápady neoslovili, tak sme sa zamerali na mestské pl ánovanie pre deti
"Za starých čias sa ľudia rozhodli a až potom sa dozvedeli výsledky. Teraz sa ľudia snažia predpovedať výsledky skôr, ako sa rozhodnú. To nie je vodcovstvo, len slepé nasledovanie prieskumov a odborníkov."
Recommended Read: The Real Problem with Plagiarism
"Harvard College, for example, has an Office of Academic Integrity with a staff of eight, and an honour council of student volunteers dedicated to reviewing student plagiarism charges. (Most other divisions of the university, and most other universities, have no… Read More »Recommended Read: The Real Problem with Plagiarism
Recommended Read: Interviewing has become a mess
“Mediocre candidates now frequently do well, courtesy of solid preparation They might for instance spend lots of time on LeetCode or read books like Alex Yu’s excellent System Design Interviews. The overall quality of interviewers was never that great, but… Read More »Recommended Read: Interviewing has become a mess