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Recommended Read: On Good Software Engineers

“A good engineer is one whom I, as a manager or peer, can trust to progress a project, knowing that they will deliver a solution by working with the team and producing good quality, again and again.”

Odporúčané čítanie: Psy a mačky dusíme láskou a prehnanou starostlivosťou, hovorí veterinárka. Páchame zlo v dobrej viere

“Napísala som o tom do televízie dlhý elaborát, kde argumentujem proti tomu, čo v programe Mačka nie je pes hlásajú. Ale dozvedela som sa od nich, že je to predsa „zábavný program“, takže by ľudia nemali brať vážne, čo sa tam hovorí.”

Recommended Read: The forces of chance

“Unbeknown to anyone below, Nagasaki was bombed due to passing clouds over Kokura. To this day, the Japanese refer to ‘Kokura’s luck’ when one unknowingly escapes disaster.”