Odporúčané pozeranie: Jan Černý – Žijeme mnohem déle, než bychom měli, imunitu máme ve svých rukou…
Skvelý rozhovor o tom, že žijeme divne a máme menej stresovať čo sa týka hygieny atď.
Skvelý rozhovor o tom, že žijeme divne a máme menej stresovať čo sa týka hygieny atď.
Short summary of issues at one of the biggest banks. Some Snippets “John Cryan presented his “Strategy 2020″ plan in October 2015, he expressed his intention of eliminating 6,000 Deutsche Bank contractors and cutting the bank’s operating systems from 45… Read More »Recommended Read: Inside Deutsche Bank’s “dysfunctional” IT division
Interview with Sari Wild about why managers should connect employees for coaching instead of trying to do it all themselves [HBR On Leadership] The Best Managers Are “Connectors” #hbrOnLeadership podcastaddict.com/hbr-on-leadership/episode/158868350 via @PodcastAddict
Nice short post about how our memories should not be taken for granted “Aim a laser pointer at the moon, then move your hand the tiniest bit, and it’ll move a thousand miles at the other end. The tiniest misunderstanding… Read More »Recommend Read: past is not true | Derek Sivers
Great talk from 2010 about challenges of climate change in terms of geopolitics. Depressing and hopeful at the same time. And probably correctly predicted Britain leaving EU.
Insightful article into issues with free and easy to use information access and loss of real communities. Some snippets “The discovery process plus the account creation was the barrier. It filtered for people who were willing to pay the “barrier… Read More »Recommended Read: André Staltz – Google shattered human connection
Nice and short explainer on why is North up, history of map orientation and more
Mediálna panika vs. realita. Napríklad aj o tom, ako úpadok pasenia oviec nad dedinami spôsobila, že sa zvieratá približujú do dedín. [Rozhovory ZKH] Ochranár Baláž: Stretávam stovky medveďov, tá panika je absurdná #rozhovoryZkhpodcastaddict.com/rozhovory-zkh/episode/160912715
Johnny Harris summarizes for you what deep fake could do to society in the near future. And, accidentally, I have seen this Orange commercial just a few minutes after. Check it out