If you cannot say it, write it
Sometimes it is hard to say something out loud. Not only to others but also to ourselves. Usually, it is much easier to write something down. Diary is great for organizing your thoughts, dealing with tough situations and difficult feelings.… Read More »If you cannot say it, write it
Snacking Healthy
It is better to eat ham for a snach than candy bar. It is better to have a fistfull of nuts instead of chips. It is better to dring lemon soda than cola. It is better to crunch carrot than… Read More »Snacking Healthy
Adjusting your plan to your actual goals
When people finally overcome the fear of starting with something (exercising, learning, changing a job, finding a partner or anything else) another mistake they usually make is sticking to a plan that does not work. You wanted to run every… Read More »Adjusting your plan to your actual goals
My Heurestics for Movies, TV Series and Books
It is good to have some heurestics in life to safe time and congitive load. I have built several over time, here are some how I pick what to watch or read What are your heurestics for life?
I want to watch that again
Sometimes I want to watch something again because it was good. But there are some things I rewatch all the time when I am tired, just because I have no energy to do anything else. In that case, it is… Read More »I want to watch that again
Singing from the heart
We used to sing a lot over a beer as students (off-key but from the hearth). And we used to tell a lot of jokes (even bad ones, but we laughed anyway). It is nice to do the same again… Read More »Singing from the heart
Focus on what you can do
It is easy to criticize others. It is much harder to improve what you can actually influence. If you do not like something, explain it to the people in charge of it and get back to your responsibilities. Don’t waste… Read More »Focus on what you can do
What is good enough?
People often get stuck with perfectionism. Or even more often, they want to do a good job, do it 100 percent or as best as possible. Usually, you really need just good enough. But what is good enough? Good enough… Read More »What is good enough?
Are you angry or just didn’t sleep well?
If you are angry or annoyed, first think if you are not tired or hungry. If so, do not be mad at people and do not argue until adressed.