Recommended Read: How the Moon became a place
“A place is a collision between human culture and physical space.”
Recommended Read: Is Social Media More Like Cigarettes or Junk Food?
“The question now is not whether these platforms are harmful to kids (they are) or even whether some action should be taken (it should). Instead, we have to decide whether, to children, social media is more like a Big Mac… Read More »Recommended Read: Is Social Media More Like Cigarettes or Junk Food?
Recommended Read: Chemical laws
“Mendeleev achieved completeness. That is, his table included almost all known elements of his time. It was accepted over the others because his proposed classification did something the others couldn’t: predict the existence of elements that scientists had not discovered… Read More »Recommended Read: Chemical laws
Recommended Read: 52 Things I Learned in 2024
“Irish peacekeepers have been in Lebanon so long that some Lebanese are developing Irish accents.”
Recommended Read: The people fighting to get through to anti-science Americans: ‘It’s just talking to each other’
“Years ago, a pediatrician told me a story about vaccinating one of his patients. He had carefully drawn up the dose, flicked away the bubbles, and was about to administer the needle when the child suddenly started seizing. Everything ended… Read More »Recommended Read: The people fighting to get through to anti-science Americans: ‘It’s just talking to each other’