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ProLinks #9

GDPR is coming, most programming jobs are bullshit and acts of gods are going away. More inside. IT Internet protocols are changing – For many years, there were negligible changes to these core Internet protocols; HTTP added a few new… Read More »ProLinks #9

ProLinks #8

5 rules of programming, universal basic income or how EU build a wall that Trump can be envious of. Enjoy! IT Why Concerns About Net Neutrality Are Overblown – Critics worry that getting rid of neutrality regulation will lead to… Read More »ProLinks #8

ProLinks #7

In this week edition you can learn about monads, business lessons, healthcare systems or why most public benches suck. Enjoy! IT How programmers get disqualified from doing everything else – Being able to program is one of the few skills… Read More »ProLinks #7

ProLinks #6

Should you comment your code? Is there poo everywhere? How are people switching jobs? More inside. IT Why the Update Fever is Bad – I just got asked by a customer why there hasn’t been an update for several months… Read More »ProLinks #6

ProLinks #5

As I took a vacation after a long time and did not manage my time well, you can read this edition of ProLinks unusually on Tuesday. Non the less, you can learn about bitcoin bubble, where to live based on… Read More »ProLinks #5

ProLinks #4

Lot of stuff about serverless and other changes that are coming to IT world and also interesting looks into alt-right and Antifa worlds. All this and more in this week edition of ProLinks. IT No, I have no side… Read More »ProLinks #4

ProLinks #3

I was visiting customers in Bangkok during last week, so the stuff I have read and watched was mostly to relax after long day. But still you can learn something about algorithms, teamwork and what happens, when a monkey bites… Read More »ProLinks #3

ProLinks #2

In the second edition of ProLinks you can lear about PostgreSQL optimisation, A/B testing, discussion about death and much more. Enjoy! IT 10 Cool SQL Optimisations That do not Depend on the Cost Model – Today, we don’t want to talk… Read More »ProLinks #2

ProLinks #1

Welcome to first edition of ProLinks, the most interesting articles, videos, books and other interesting stuff I have found this weeks. IT Software Engineering is different from Programming – All software engineers can program, but not all programmers can engineer… Read More »ProLinks #1

NTECast #20 – S Nautilusom o sémantickom vyhľadávaní a starých časopisoch

Čo majú spoločné storočné časopisy a informatika? Ako dotiahnuť študentský projekt do praxe? Ako prekonať problémy počas projektu? O tomto a mnohom ďalšom sa bavíme s členmi tímu Nautilus. Web projektu Ospravedlňujeme sa za zlú kvalitu zvuku v druhej… Read More »NTECast #20 – S Nautilusom o sémantickom vyhľadávaní a starých časopisoch