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Lack of Ownership

People like to hide behind committee or group decision. Ownership and accountability is diluted. If the project succeeds, you can claim a win as the committee member. If the project fails, you can hide behind the group decision. It takes… Read More »Lack of Ownership

Meeting people

I do not like meeting people, but then when I do, I enjoy it in general. That is the paradox. It is good to go to meetups. You always meet interesting people and find many opportunities. For friendship, for sales,… Read More »Meeting people

New vs. New

Some things are objectively new. New movie, new music album, new book. But a lot more things are new for you. You never watched them, listened to them or read them. Or even heard about them. When people talk about… Read More »New vs. New

World moving without you

You can get sick at any time, and the world will, and should, move just fine without you. If you or your team cannot handle a week of you being out, something is wrong.

Recommended Read: On Good Software Engineers

“A good engineer is one whom I, as a manager or peer, can trust to progress a project, knowing that they will deliver a solution by working with the team and producing good quality, again and again.”