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IT vs. Humanities

There is a real issue of prejudice against humanities in IT and among engineering students. It is something that even I am inclined to, but I am trying to defend core values of humanities purpose.  My critique comes to what… Read More »IT vs. Humanities

What is deception?

If falsehood, like truth, had only one face, we would be in better shape. For we would take as certain the opposite of what the liar said. But the reverse of truth has a hundred thousand shapes and a limitless… Read More »What is deception?

IT pohovory

Po takmer troch rokoch som sa rozhodol zmeniť pracovnú pozíciu a tak som na konci júna zverejnil životopis na Bolo to v piatok poobede a v pondelok som plánoval začať rozposielať životopis na zaujímavé ponuky. Nemusel som. Ako som… Read More »IT pohovory