Avoid politics
Do not play games. If you criticize someone, you should be willing to tell the same stuff also in front of them or to their face. If you tell the same stuff to everyone in personal or professional life, in… Read More »Avoid politics
Do not play games. If you criticize someone, you should be willing to tell the same stuff also in front of them or to their face. If you tell the same stuff to everyone in personal or professional life, in… Read More »Avoid politics
“Mnohí z nás každý deň robia niečo a majú pocit, že iba ukladajú tehly. Podľa mňa by sme mali vedieť, prečo tú vec vlastne robíme a prečo nám to dáva zmysel. Potom ľahšie vydržíme, potom môžeme byť aj húževnatí” https://e.dennikn.sk/4184778/robenim-viac-neurobite-vzdy-viac-vravi-jakub-ptacin-a-vybera-knihy-o-podnikani-a-biznise/
I tend to listen to a lot of podcasts and videos while working. Usually it serves as a radio but with more interesting and curated content. It has many upsides. If I do a boring task, it is not as… Read More »Keeping focus
There are some joints in human body which are supposed to pop. E.g. knuckles. If you pop them, you can get relieve and not hurt yourself. There are also joints, which are not supposed to pop. E.g. SI joints. If… Read More »Is the right thing popping?
Some people do not mind working with people, who need some guidance and managing. They get satisfaction from helping them, developing them, advancing their skills and career. Some people want to work with people, who are self-sufficient – you give… Read More »Whom do you want to work with?
“Odborné spôsobilosti štátneho tajomníka za jeho prístupom ku kolegyniam nijako nezaostávali. „Prakticky všetky stretnutia vykazovali absenciu úplne základnej úrovne akéhokoľvek poznania,“ hovorí bývalý úradník.” https://dennikn.sk/4169756/strach-vyhrazky-a-chaos-ako-vyzera-rozvrat-ministerstva-kultury-zvnutra/
People often confuse hard stuff with complex stuff. Most complex stuff is hard but not all hard things are complex. A lot of hard stuff is not complex. Getting in shape is not complex, it is just hard. Building a… Read More »Complex Stuff vs. Hard Stuff
“The gap in comprehension wasn’t due to a lack of ability but rather a gap in prerequisite knowledge. So here’s a gentle reminder: You’re not dumb—you just might not have all the prerequisites yet.” https://lelouch.dev/blog/you-are-probably-not-dumb/
“Overcautious regulation interacted with economic history in a particular way in the mid–20th century that played out very badly for the nuclear industry.” https://blog.rootsofprogress.org/devanney-on-the-nuclear-flop