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ProLinks #1

Welcome to first edition of ProLinks, the most interesting articles, videos, books and other interesting stuff I have found this weeks. IT Software Engineering is different from Programming – All software engineers can program, but not all programmers can engineer… Read More »ProLinks #1

NTECast #20 – S Nautilusom o sémantickom vyhľadávaní a starých časopisoch

Čo majú spoločné storočné časopisy a informatika? Ako dotiahnuť študentský projekt do praxe? Ako prekonať problémy počas projektu? O tomto a mnohom ďalšom sa bavíme s členmi tímu Nautilus. Web projektu Ospravedlňujeme sa za zlú kvalitu zvuku v druhej… Read More »NTECast #20 – S Nautilusom o sémantickom vyhľadávaní a starých časopisoch

IT vs. Humanities

There is a real issue of prejudice against humanities in IT and among engineering students. It is something that even I am inclined to, but I am trying to defend core values of humanities purpose.  My critique comes to what… Read More »IT vs. Humanities