Odporúčané čítanie: Slovenský fyzik vo švajčiarskom CERN-e: Pozeráme sa Bohu do kuchyne, s náboženstvom si neprotirečíme
“úlohou vysokej školy nie je pripraviť vás na to, čo budete robiť celý život, ale otvoriť vám obzory a naučiť vás učiť sa. Potom som už išiel po svojej linke.” https://dennikn.sk/4178429/slovensky-fyzik-vo-svajciarskom-cern-e-pozerame-sa-bohu-do-kuchyne-s-nabozenstvom-si-neprotirecime
Getting really famous
You can be famous by doing something first or doing something the best. You can be famous locally if you are better than average and globally if you are superb, but to be really famous, you have to be the… Read More »Getting really famous
Recommended Read: The Death of the Magazine
“You may think that media is a better place to invest than the declining US steel industry or a Detroit carmaker. After all, magazines in the US don’t have to compete with offerings from China and Germany and Japan. They… Read More »Recommended Read: The Death of the Magazine
Avoid politics
Do not play games. If you criticize someone, you should be willing to tell the same stuff also in front of them or to their face. If you tell the same stuff to everyone in personal or professional life, in… Read More »Avoid politics
Odporúčané čítanie: Robením viac neurobíte vždy viac, vraví Jakub Ptačin a vyberá knihy o podnikaní a biznise
“Mnohí z nás každý deň robia niečo a majú pocit, že iba ukladajú tehly. Podľa mňa by sme mali vedieť, prečo tú vec vlastne robíme a prečo nám to dáva zmysel. Potom ľahšie vydržíme, potom môžeme byť aj húževnatí” https://e.dennikn.sk/4184778/robenim-viac-neurobite-vzdy-viac-vravi-jakub-ptacin-a-vybera-knihy-o-podnikani-a-biznise/
Recommended Listen: Your Personality May Keep You From Surviving. “Psychological Aspects of Survival”
[Jocko Podcast] 423: Your Personality May Keep You From Surviving. “Psychological Aspects of Survival” #jockoPodcasthttps://podcastaddict.com/jocko-podcast/episode/170606788 via @PodcastAddict
Keeping focus
I tend to listen to a lot of podcasts and videos while working. Usually it serves as a radio but with more interesting and curated content. It has many upsides. If I do a boring task, it is not as… Read More »Keeping focus