Recommended Read: Frustration Tolerance: An Essential for Surviving Large Orgs
“Frustration tolerance is more than patience. It’s almost a requirement for navigating the convoluted workings of corporate structures without losing sight of objectives.”
Odporúčané počúvanie: Návrh Michala Šimečku a reakcia Róberta Fica
[.týždeň podcast] Návrh Michala Šimečku a reakcia Róberta Fica #tyzdenPodcast via @PodcastAddict
Odporúčané čítanie: Fico je nebezpečný a neustále prekračuje hranice
“Už dlhšie sa vyostruje Ficov slovník, spomeniem pár príkladov: výrok ‚Rež a rúbaj do krve po Šimečkovej kotrbe‘, riaditeľovi ÚRSO odkazoval, že keby ho chytil, tak ho zaškrtí. Eduardovi Hegerovi vravel, ako by mu vopchal rožok do huby. Tvrdil, že… Read More »Odporúčané čítanie: Fico je nebezpečný a neustále prekračuje hranice
Recommended Read: Despair is a Goddamn Luxury
“Every moment lamenting what might be is a moment wasted. A moment thrown away instead of creating what could be. Every hour invested in sharing our anxieties on social media is an hour not invested in building solutions.”
Recommended Read: The Slop Society
“Meta, as an institution, has been rotten for years, making trillions of dollars as it continually makes the service worse, all to force users to spend more time on the site, even if it’s because Facebook and Instagram are now… Read More »Recommended Read: The Slop Society
Odporúčané počúvanie: Investori sa nás pýtajú aj na politickú situáciu, hovorí šéf štátnej dlhovej agentúry
[Denník E] eNkonomika: Investori sa nás pýtajú aj na politickú situáciu, hovorí šéf štátnej dlhovej agentúry #dennikE via @PodcastAddict
Self-imposed Rules
I eat a handful of mixed nuts every morning. I have a bag on my work table. My colleagues started to buy them also, but they usually eat the bag in a day or two. Mine lasts for a couple… Read More »Self-imposed Rules