Recommended Watch: Why Rappers Stopped Writing: The Punch-In Method
Well, this explains why most modern rap sucks balls
Well, this explains why most modern rap sucks balls
“aby ste v prostredí malých mestečiek či v horách niekoho nútili čosi nasilu zmeniť, to sa neoplatí. To vidia aj Američania v Afganistane. Nehovorím, že sme tiež Paštúni, ale v niečom platí, čo Ľubomír Lipták povedal o Slovensku: že je ako oko hurikánu. To znamená,… Read More »Odporúčané čítanie: Sociálny antropológ Juraj Buzalka: Progresívci nevedia osloviť vidiek, Fico hovorí jeho jazykom, ale nemá mu čo dať
Never occurred to me that it is hard for a train to go through a curve
Neil deGrasse Tyson tells it how it is. He perfectly summarizes my thinking about AI overhype and worries.
This podcast basically summarized my thinking about LLMs and why I think it's just new blockchain. [Philosophize This!] Episode #183 … Is ChatGPT really intelligent? #philosophizeThis via @PodcastAddict
“That was the year that Ukraine was likely closer to becoming a member of the Western alliance than ever, before or since. United States President George W. Bush stood solidly behind Kyiv's accession. But the effort failed, as Zelenskyy made… Read More »Recommended Read: Ukraine: How Merkel Prevented Ukraine’s NATO Membership
Cory Doctorow being an old man about the stat of internet
Djibouti and its perfect strategic location
“The bottom 80% of men are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men. “