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Osobné financie

Ešte pred zmenou vedenia na FIIT sme tam občas cez vysokoškolský spolok NTE, ktorý som spolu zakladal, organizovali občas zaujímavé extra prednášky. V roku 2018 a 2019 som prednášal o manažmente času. Na základe prieskumu medzi študentami sme v 2019… Read More »Osobné financie

ProLinks Biometrics #47

I am back from vacation with more news for you! In today’s edition you can find about how Chinese companies are drafting standards or how US Navy saves millions by using biometrics. Enjoy! Source: Biometrics Streaming services trying to… Read More »ProLinks Biometrics #47

ProLinks Biometrics #46

In today’s ProLinks issue you can learn about facial biometrics applied to porn and killer drones, how to unlock any fingerprint protected phone or how to tell, if somebody has used heroin just by looking on their fingerprints. Enjoy! Biometrics… Read More »ProLinks Biometrics #46

ProLinks Biometrics #45

As promised I am back after two weeks with a load of information about biometrics and related topics. We have everything from billion dollar lawsuits to issuing toilet paper using face. Enjoy! Biometrics Unlocking your phone with eyes closed New… Read More »ProLinks Biometrics #45